IBEx Wallet

IBEx Wallet

Fire your banker and build up your sovereign savings

Invest without intermediaries with the free IBEx Wallet app

Fire your banker and build up your sovereign savings

Invest without intermediaries with the free IBEx Wallet app

Create your account in 2 minutes

Open a mobile wallet with your finger, face or PIN code
Fund your current account in euros or cryptos
Your earnings are automatically reinvested every day

Holding without intermediaries

IBW is the first peer-to-peer investment application that puts you in direct contact with financial assets, free of charge:
invest directly without platforms or banks and their fees.
Earn more  
stock markets, real estate, precious metals, crypto, private equity.
One app, all markets  
exclusive access to your investments without technical knowledge.
Secures your private property  

Easy-to-use application

  • ready in 3 minutes: install, create your wallet, fund your sovereign account, invest,
  • mobile: place orders on any market at any time,
  • notifications: by email or mobile, so you never miss an opportunity.

A new-generation safe

  • your key, your funds: you alone have access to and control over your funds and investments,
  • cloud security: restore your wallet if you lose your smartphone,
  • minimal risk of piracy: no password, no centralized platform and no banker – only you open your safe.

The world's largest market: +10,000 assets currently listed

  • stock exchanges: Nasdaq and NYSE available, but also EURONEXT, DAX, LSE, SSE in preparation,
  • crypto : BTC and ETH, Top 100 in preparation,
  • money market funds: EUR and USD, CHF and GBP in preparation.
Blank Form (#3) (#4)


Why fire the banks & platforms?
  • they’re expensive, and you rarely know what you’re going to pay beforehand,
  • they limit your investment possibilities,
  • they put at risk the private property entrusted to them,
  • they offer few innovative products.
How does IBEx Wallet (IBW) respect my privacy?

No personal data is stored on our servers, ensuring absolute security and confidentiality. Nor do we ask for your email address or mobile number to create an account, protecting you from any spam or phishing attempts. With IBEx Wallet, your sovereignty is respected and your personal data can never be exploited.

Unlike many applications, we don’t use your GPS location to track your movements, nor do we record your IP address when you connect, ensuring that your online activities remain anonymous and untraceable.

What is self-preservation, also known as self-management?

Self-preserving and self-managing your savings means taking control of your money. “You’ve certainly never put banknotes in your mattress or gold in a hole at the bottom of your garden.

You were certainly born with a bank account (opened by your grandparents with 100frs or euros on it) and digital cash has always been centralized in said bank (in France you can’t have the pay of an employment contract without a bank account).

By “money” we mean your financial assets, comprising cash and investments (securities accounts, PEAs, life insurance, etc.).

By withdrawing them from your bank (this is known as “de-banking”) or from your regulated investment platform (which are merely intermediaries between you and these same banks, with some costs added and others subtracted) that you usually use, you protect them yourself without the intervention of these intermediaries.

By self-preserving and self-managing, you no longer have to pay the (excessive) fees of these players, and your assets become unseizable. No one can prevent you from using your financial assets as you wish.

The innovation of your IBEx Wallet is that it gives you access to legal and secure technologies making this self-preservation finally possible without any particular technical knowledge, relying on the security of your smartphone to store your private access key. We use blockchain technologies that have proven their worth since they first appeared in 2019, which we apply to real-world assets.

The decentralized nature of blockchain ensures that only you have access to your funds through a system of cryptographic keys.

IBEx Wallet simplifies your key management by using biometrics, such as your fingerprint or facial recognition, to access your funds. Instead of memorizing or managing complex keys, you unlock your assets securely and instantly with your smartphone.

So there’s no risk of losing keys, which could result in permanent loss of funds.

How is IBEx Wallet financed?

The IBEx Wallet community is very active, with many feedbacks concerning the interface and requests for product referencing being sent to the team, who do their best to meet users’ expectations.

Donations are made by users here. We invite you to contribute whatever you can!

The IBW community is very active, with many feedbacks concerning the interface and requests for product referencing coming back to the team, who do their best to meet users’ expectations.

Having POWER is a plus to support the listing request.

How much does IBEx Wallet cost me?

Access to your IBEx wallet account uses your smartphone’s access features like any other application (https://fidoalliance.org/how-fido-works/). You usually have the option of registering several fingers and/or your face on your device. Please refer to your user manual.

If you lose your device but have authorized iCloud or (the Android equivalent) to keep your accesses to our application, then you will naturally find your accesses on your next phone.

For added security, you can also register your accounts directly on several phones.

What is the IBW business model?
IBW is published by the Civicpower association. You can make a donation to support our initiatives. The assets made available in IBW are issued by entities detailed on this page.
What happens if I lose my finger, or worse, my phone?

Access to your IBEX Wallet account uses your smartphone’s access functions just like any other application. (https://fidoalliance.org/how-fido-works/) You usually have the option of registering several fingers and/or your face on your device. Please refer to your user manual.

If you lose your device but have authorized iCloud or (the Android equivalent) to keep your access to our application, then you’ll naturally get your access back on your next phone.

If you wish, you can register your accounts directly on several phones.

The self-storage of digital assets is not regulated in Europe, and there is every indication that it will not be regulated in the USA in the near future.

You must, of course, declare any capital gains to your state of tax residence, in order to pay the tax due according to your personal situation.

As far as asset issuers are concerned, the IBEx Wallet community pays close attention to the regulation of the players offering you investment support.

Can someone steal my money?

It’s impossible for anyone but you to access your money. Neither we, nor a bank, nor a state can open your sovereign account without your fingerprint or your face.

What exactly is the purpose of blockchain in all this?

The blockchain is like a digital ledger, where each page (or “block”) contains a set of transactions. These pages are linked together in a chain, forming a “blockchain”. Each block is secured and connected to the previous one by a special code, making the whole immutable: once a transaction has been recorded, it can no longer be modified or deleted.A portfolio on the blockchain is secured by a cryptographic system. To access your funds, you need a private key, which is like an ultra-secure password. This private key is known only to you and cannot be easily guessed or stolen.

Even if someone finds your wallet address (your public key), without the private key they can’t access your funds. As long as you keep it secret and secure, your wallet remains inviolable.

As a reminder, IBEx Wallet simplifies the management of this private key by associating it with your biometrics. So you don’t have to keep anything secure except your fingers or face.

How can you consistently outperform banks and investment apps?

Instead, you should ask yourself why there is such a difference between the returns offered by the issuers of assets (US treasury bonds, stocks, bonds) available on the market and what you earn after paying a multitude of intermediaries in the middle that you can’t avoid in traditional finance. Not to mention the exorbitant cost of regulating these players (where IBEx Wallet is unregulated), or the dividend paid to shareholders of non-mutual banks (BNP, Société Générale, Crédit-Agricole, etc.) where PW is published by an association which, by definition, has no profit, return or capital motive.

IBEx wallet is a software application financed by donations, and the safekeeping of your assets is made possible by your smartphone and the open source technology of blockchain.

In the New World we’re offering you to discover, there are no hidden fees that pay for a nice branch in your town and an areopagus of people working there.

There’s nothing more between the issuer of the asset you’re buying and you once you’ve paid for it: the technical costs of storing it on the blockchain (or moving it when you’re selling) are minimal (we’re talking in cents) and certainly not in % of the value moved (they are technical costs), the cost of entering or exiting between your tokenized assets on the blockchain and the legal currency of the real world (we’re talking FIAT) when you need to pay in euros or dollars.